Software technologies I have experience in.

These are tools and technologies I have a great deal of experience in and have used for both professional and personal projects.


  • UI Libraries

    React, Vue

  • State Management

    Redux, Redux-Toolkit

  • Languages

    Typescript, Javascript

  • Styling

    TailwindCSS, MaterialUI, SCSS, CSS Modules


  • .NET

    .NET Framework, .NET 6

  • Languages



  • SQL Server

    Table and query design and implementation, constraints and indices, use of transactions

  • MongoDB

    Collection, document, and query design and implementation


  • AWS Lambda

    Functions written in Node.js and Python

  • CloudFormation

    Creation and modification of templates for standing up infrastructure related to secrets management, AWS Lambda, API Gateway.

Build & Deploy

  • Team City

    Creation and modification of build pipelines with agents hosted in docker containers. Creation and modification of build steps, dotCover test coverage reports, and use of custom Powershell scripts.

  • Octopus

    Creation and modification of deployment pipelines to both Windows hosts and K8s. Creation and modification of process steps, alerting and notifications, and variables via library sets.


  • Datadog

    Led operational review meetings for our team. Gathered metrics around latency, error rates, and CPU/memory metrics. Managed the creation and modification of monitors, SLOs, dashboards. Monitored production by analyzing traces and logs to gather insights and generate actionable work items.

  • Kibana

    Querying and analyzing logs for production issues.